I have decided today is the day the demise of the country begins. Why so pessimistic, Heath? I wish tOk, so once every four years, I make sure I take off the first Tuesday in November to not only make sure I can vote, but to sit around and watch all the results come in. I may not be a huge political expert, but I do enjoy this. Today is a different day though. Perhaps most media cannot show bias toward one candidate or the other, but this is the internet and rules do not apply.
his were not a racial election, but let's face it...it has turned into a black/white issue. I have no problem with Barack Obama being black. I would have had no problem with Hillary Clinton being a woman. If Condoleeza Rice were to run for president, I would have voted for a black woman, so I have no reservations for these particular issues. But upon returning from the grocery store this morning after having seen a congregation of African Americans shouting "Today is OUR day", "We will no longer be held down by the white man", and my favorite "Mr. Obama will SAVE AMERICA". I couldn't help myself and decided to engage in a little conversation. All of a sudden, I was the racist white man who was just voting for McCain because he was white. I want to know why they were making this accusation when one of the crew decided to tell me, "Hell yeah i'm votin' for Obama!" When I asked why, his response was "Because its time a black man runs this bitch!" I think "this bitch" was a reference to the country, and not to the local Winn Dixie, which I think Mr. Obama would probably have a problem running, much less a country.
This just in from Ohio courtesy of Fox News: 2 Black Panthers are standing outside a poll center with nightsticks not letting any white people in.
Folks, we are going backwards here. Do we really want our America to turn into a place where this type of behavior is prevalent again? Whats next? Does the KKK reappear and threaten black people not to vote? This is not an America I want to live in.
Another breaking story out of Kansas City...they are giving away beer for voting. BEER? its 10am and your gonna give me a beer just for voting? I guess I need to move to Missouri.
In the words of one of my favorite radio personalities : WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!
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