There ya go, Mr. Tool. I looked up from doing my janitorial duties here at my trailer park and saw the score. And I thought all I had to look forward to was shit stuck in the toilet. I might need to go to Dallas and mop up all the tears those two honky ass white boy linemen cried all over the field at the end of the game. Bitches...

photo courtesy of
You look just as I expected you to look like; just a little too close to being a mongoloid for most people to be comfortable enough to even think about sitting near you in church.
The toilet cleaning job is just what the doctor ordered for you; just make sure you leave a trail of Skittles so that you can find your way back to the short bus at the end of your shift.
BTW what the hell do you have in your mouth? Are those teeth........or did you tape Chicklets to your gums?
Chicklets? Is that all you got?
Sorry my personal professional photographer took the day off.
Mongoloid? Me no mongoloid! Me caveman! You wet fart in my britches! Arrrgghhhh!!!
Whatever, bra! Just tell your Alabama "streetwalking sales rep" to come get the dollar she forgot when she gave me the oral without her dentures.....
Please............the 10 people in this world who know my real name and look at what I post were dying when they saw the photo and then read the "chicklets" line.
The Mongoloid in church will soon become a web classic.
You're just pissed that you didn't think of it first. Blame your school for not giving you the skills to move forward in life.
Cleaning toilets and being fat, dumb, and stupid is what you have to look forward to, so get used to it.
wow...please make me famous.
The Average Southern Joes said...
wow...please make me famous.
Now it's my that the best you got?
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