Hell this skank got off easy. Heath threw the chair this time...right into his neighbor's back yard. Then he form-tackled his 150 pound grill. It was the best tackle of the entire game I tell you. What I'm trying to figure out is why everyone is so surprised about this ass-whipping. I know I can be just as blind as the next guy when it comes to SEC football, but people, Utah was not ranked number six going into this game just for the sheer hell of it. Mormons can run, people. They have to because of 'Necks like me that throw shit at them when they knock on my trailer.
Other than the meth-induced hottie pictured above there have been no domestic dispute reports resulting from the game. Of course if they know whats good for them they will keep their mouth shut.

Comedy writing is in your future; just ask Bob Hope he'll tell you about the career that awaits.
Mop bucket, Scrubbing Bubbles, cleaning rag and plunger. Those are the tools that I predict you carry until you are about 65.
Washie washie.
Lawrence, don't you have drywall to put up at the new McDonald's?
"Two chicks at the same time..."
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