Who would have thought Al Davis and the Oakland Raiders would come off looking better for letting Lane Kiffin go?
Well the new coach in orange is off to an awesome start by rallying some alumni and claiming Florida broke an NCAA rule by contacting a recruit while on a visit to Knoxville. Uh....no. Now I know he is new on the scene in the SEC but how do you not know that rule? Isn't "Shrimp Boat Captain" Ed Orgeron on his staff? Because last time I checked that sonnuva bitch knows a thing or two about recruiting (hell, as much as it pains me to say, look at the talent he brought in at Ole Miss). Then again, that is the kind of shit Coach O would say, so you have to wonder already... just who is in charge in Knoxville?
But the most damaging thing is they might have shot themselves in the foot. I guess he is not aware that Urban Meyer channels the Spirit of Spurrier and will drop sixty on your ass without thinking twice about it. And i guess he is not aware that Tebow decided to stick around for another year. This shit talking is the equivalent of a hound dog going down to the water and barking like a retarded ass at an alligator minding it's own business and not hurting anyone. Well the dog keeps on fucking with the gator to the point it has enough and shoots out of the water and snatches the bastard and drags his ass to his death.
I'm no fan of either one of these teams, but on September 19th, I don't care if Florida is favored by thirty I will still put my money on Florida. Jorts 52 Hillbillies 10.
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